Sunday, February 28, 2016

I slept three nights on Judy's sofa in Lancaster, PA. Avoided the frigid record breaking cold in the northeast and sat through a two and a half day storm of snow, freezing rain and rain. I had breakfast in Millersvile, PA with my friend Dewie and hit the road to return to Plymouth.
I have been in Plymouth for about a week and a half and many look surprised when they see me. I explain that I had a financial set back in Virginia and decided that because now, in addition to being old and tired of the road, I am about as broke as broke can be. I am one flat tire away from being homeless and I would prefer to have the flat in Plymouth rather than Purcellville, VA. So, I am home and feel mostly good about.
I have already played music with Peter and made connections with firends and co-workers. I am on the roster to teach two classes in the fall and have signed up to teach this summer, if there are enough students to register for my class.
My health is good and I am once again parking at "The Point Five" on Tish's property. I have been offered a room in a place in Meredith, rent free, but, I really want to stay in the van, so will be at Tish's until I feel like I need something different. I wouldn't mind finding a camper somewhere so that I could have a bit more space, a place for an alternate heating system and where I can leave Ozzy for the day. We have been 24/7 for over a year and there are times I would like to have a space for him so that he doesn't have to hang in the van, sometimes very cold, when I want to go somewhere and hangout for a while. But, until the right situation presents itself we will continue as things are.
A long story, but, Ozzy was in a fight and had his ear torn in half. Actually sounds worse than it is. He never gave any indication that it was painful and we went immediately to the vet where he was sedated, ear stapled together and one of those stupid cones which we kept on for about 5 minutes. He has not bothered his ear, I give him his antibiotics and you would never know that there was a problem.
Sir Morrison continues to truck right along, although he has developed an aversion to heavy rain and will stall out occasionally. I wait five minutes and he is ready to go again. Some wire is getting wet, I imagine. Troubling, but not serious.
There you have it for today...

Addendum: I am in good spirits...I got a one month free subscription to netflix, put it on my tablet and found The Office. Very funny!!

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