I have just listened to NPR discussing the results of the Iowa caucus. I would like to be very clear about my feelings about the American political system. It is the playground of the greedy and mean-spirited and there is not a bat's chance in hell that it will be anything but that ever, certainly not in my lifetime. It is all about money and power. Voting is just a shadow play giving people a false hope that there is the possibilty of change. The biggest lie is that the politicians care about us at all. They don't! The system is broken...and so, I am terribly conflicted. As an idealist, I would like to think that Bernie can make a change. I like Hillary, I think that she is competent and I support a woman being president of the US. But, if you think you saw animosity toward Obama, you haven't seen anything like what it will be if Hillary is nominated. As a pragmatist I believe that she would lose against almost any Republican nominee and that Bernie both idealistically and pragmatically is the better choice.
I am terribly conflicted. All of the above being said, I think that my failure to vote in the primary next week in New Hampshire would be a mistake. So I have decided to return to New Hampshire for Tuesday's primary to vote for Bernie because if there is a chance for change I will need to play my small part. My teacher Thich Nhat Hanh professes "engaged buddhism". This is an opportunity for me to engage...
So, I am currently in Virginia and will take my time travelling back to the north country. Some places I will stop on the way that I want to go to and after Tuesday's vote I will get back on the road again. Seems like a pain in the ass, but, the right choice is often not the esiest one.
I will just be the day in NH, pick up some tax paperwork, vote and gone again. I want to make it a quick in and out...not a whole lot of socializing to be done as I am in and want to continue in my anonymous mode...
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