Sunday, May 17, 2015

The drums beat, the trumpets blare, the walls come crumbling down...
We will be back on the road again tomorrow and updating the blog at least every Sunday from this point forward...
My month in Plymouth was mostly a great stop on the journey.  I saw the PSU Student Juried Art Show, the BFA Show, the Contemporary Dance Ensemble,   Battle of the Bands, Spring Fling, Graduation, attended and listened to some pretty good music, played open mics, recited my poem Rain Upon The Roof at the Centripetal release party, sat in on the junior BFA reviews, and, best of all, connected with friends, other faculty and students.  Of course, most rewarding was my reconnecting with students.  I have formed so many wonderful relationships over the years and many students came to me this past month and said very kind things to me about my teaching and their time in class with me.  Really, just a humbling and honored experience.  Also, made new student friends.
I had time to get some business in order, including getting my new passport and cleaning, modifying and organizing the van for the next travel portion of my life.  Took the van to my mechanic for a once over who gave it a thumbs up for further driving.  Went to the doctor for a physical and all of my numbers look pretty good.  I have not taken one of my medications for a month because of finances and doctor feels my health is good and we can try not taking that medication for a while.  Also, have had a lot of comments from people who like my haircut and think I look pretty healthy.
A huge shout out to Tish Risley Hill for allowing me to park at "the point five" for the past month.  I was road weary when I got here and being able to know that I had a firm place to stay made my life a whole lot easier.  I finished reading my Bill Bryson book and one of my former students, Sarah, thoughtfully gave me a copy of Steinbeck's Travels with Charley.
Ozzy and I will be back on the road tomorrow headed initially for Quebec City.  How long we will be there I do not know and what happens after Quebec is still uncertain. Maybe east to Nova Scotia for a bit, maybe directly west on the TransCanadian Highway.  Certainly Ottawa somewhere along the line.  Maybe then to Madison, WI and Bloomington, IN or keep heading west toward the Rockies and into Banff and then Vancouver.  The world, as they say, is my oyster.  Finances are a bit tight, but, if I can busk and gig a bit I should be okay.  The rent from my condo continues to come as scheduled as does my social security check.
Today's plan is to fine tune my mosquito/black fly screening system which I have integrated into van logistics.  Other than that, just a day of rest and relaxation.  Tomorrow Ozzy and I will be in Plymouth until about 10:30/11:00AM to check mail and say some goodbyes.  Then, I will head to Tamworth for lunch with Peter and then on the road north.  I like to use both this blog and Facebook for updates to my travels, so check Facebook from time to time if you're interested.
I hear the traveling music, and awa-a-a-ay we go...

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