Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wow! Whoa! Whew! What a ride!  When last I updated this blog I was in the upper penninsula of Michigan.  Today it comes to you from Estes Park, CO, just outside of the Rocky Mountain National Park. 1,500 miles and 22 hours from each other.  The road was long and grueling.  I did go to Madison, WI where I spent one day in reminiscence. It was an incredibly beautiful day and Ozzy and I spent most of our time behind the student union building for the University of Wisconsin, where there were hundreds of people out enjoying the weather beside the lake.  It was beautiful.  But, neither Madison nor I are the same as we used to be almost 40 years ago.  Not much the same, but, I am glad I returned as I have many fond memories of Mad City.  Some of the happiest days of my life were spent there.

From Madison I decided to get on the interstates, which I usually avoid, and put the pedal to the metal and hightail it to the Rocky Mountains.  Pouring, beating down rain for most of the trip.  Much of the midwest has had too much rain and the crops and farming in general have been suffering.  I listened to a number of farm reports.  Of interest in those many miles are the many calves and foals one sees along the road.  Also, the cloud formations when the skies broke were incredibly beautiful.  Needed to get two new tires in Cedar Rapids and back on the road.

As much as I don't like the interstates for their speed and the need to maneuver around semis and RV's of every description, I needed the speed on this trip and when I stopped for the nights I slept in the interstate rest areas.  What a welcome sight it was to see the "Welcome to Colorful Colorado" sign and welcome area. I arrived in Colorado on Wednesday and spent the night in a welcome area outside of Greeley, CO.  Now, it would be disingenuous of me not to mention that Thursday morning I drove into Garden City, CO and found the Natural Herb and Wellness Center where I made a legal purchase of recreational pot.  And that's enough of that subject.

So, I have been sick since I left Quebec City two weeks ago.  Razor blade sore throat and ear infection.  Very uncomfortable and made the grind of the long drive ever more difficult.  When I arrived at the National Park I felt even more sick than when I arrived and suspect that the altitude effected me, as well.  I loaded an altimeter app on my phone and my campsite is at 8200 feet above sea level.  Mile and a half.  The first two days in the park I could not walk ten feet without feeling nauseous and wanting to pass out.  Ozzy and I have been really incompatible here.  He is jazzed and ready to go.  But being the really good dog that he is he is always sympathetic when I don't feel well and allows me to move at my own rate. (Friday morning I could hardly get out of bed.) But, I am feeling better this morning, not 100%.  I have one more night in the park and I am hoping that today's rest will get me ready for the long drive ahead.  (And, despite my illness, the beauty of the park shines through.  What an incredible place.  Lots of photos.  Some on Facebook.)

I finished reading Steinbeck's Travels with Charley and a Louis L'Amour, swashbuckling pirate saga.  It was fluff and very enjoyable.  I think I will try and find another of his books to read.

Tomorrow I head back on the road.  Next firm destination, Bloomington, IN.  Coming your way Dani and Rob.  A day or two there and off to Lancaster, PA coming your way Judy.  and, then to NH to begin preparing for my work at Loon. So, I plan on being in NH somewhere in the middle to late June.

I am not unhappy with my decision to return to NH and work for the summer.  I really don't know what I was thinking in the first place.  The road has become difficult for me.  Too many miles and too many expenses for me to bear by myself.  Gas is a killer at $2.50 a gallon and in Canada at $1.15 a litre (close to $4.00 gallon).  I am tired and road weary.  I posted on Facebook once that I just can't remember that I am 65 and not 25 anymore.  The problem I find in most of the places I go is that I still think and feel like a younger man, but, alas, that is not the truth of the matter.  So, today I will rest up and when I get to a lower elevation will heal and feel ready for the road again.  I have reached my westernmost terminus and it is now eastward bound.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dear Readers of my Blog, Jay and Ozzy Hit The Road,

I have been fortunate to have been able to avoid work the past year and live my life mostly on the road traveling, exploring new places, meeting new people and having experiences not possible in my life previous to my retirement.  It's been really wonderful, for the most part.  I have also been able to revisit places, people and do things who and which I remember fondly from my past.  Two nights ago I spent at the hostel in Ottawa which is in a jail, which I stayed at 37 years ago when I hitched from Madison, WI through the eastern provinces of Canada.  This morning I find myself just outside of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan on my way back to Madison, WI.

What this is leading up to is that I have had to make an important decision regarding the future of my travels, and life, in general.  I can no longer financially afford to continue the traveling and avoiding work and just cannot do this any longer by myself.  (I could not imagine having a better friend or companion than Ozzy, but, he refuses to get a job, contribute to the care of the van, does not share the driving, has navigational skills which leave much to be desired and otherwise does very little to help with finances or the physical demands of this life.)  I am close to being broke and am afraid with my income as it is now, will be broke very soon.

So, after all of my braggadocio of getting in the van and finding a completely new life someplace, I will be returning to New Hampshire the middle to end of June to begin a job waiting for me there.  It is an easy and fun, it won't really be like working, but will afford me the additional income I need to supplement my social security check which is what I am living on now.  I will be again working on top of Loon Mountain at the artist village where I have worked the past few summers.  I will be tending the shop, busking and doing origami with kids.  I am hoping to have 20 hours on the clock and will dedicate my extra time to being there busking and origamiing.  I hope to be able to find a place in or near Lincoln where I can park my van for free and continue to live in it with Ozzy.  I'm tired and road weary and, as hard as it is for me to accept, 65 years old!!  Life on the road can be grueling.

So, I am in Michigan.  My plan is to take 2-3 days to go to Madison.  From Madison I will take 3-4 days to go to the Rocky Mountain National Park, outside Estes Park, CO and spend some time there until I head to Bloomington, IN to meet up with Rob and Dani for a day or two.  I met them at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and they say Bloominton should not be missed and it is on my way back to NH where I will return from Bloomington, probably after a stop in Lancaster, PA.  I should be in NH by mid to late June.

So,there you have it.  I read a Bill Bryson travel book and am just finishing up Steinbeck's Travels with Charley.  I have had some very similar experiences as the two of them.  But, one major difference is that they never had to fret about money.  They stayed for the nights wherever they wanted and ate whatever they wanted.  I, on the other hand fret about money all of the time.  It can be really distressing to go into a beautiful city like Ottawa or Quebec and look at all of the beautiful things in all of the windows but not have the possibility of doing more than just looking.

I will continuing updating so long as I am on the road and hope that you will continue to follow my travels.

Best to All,

Jay and Ozzy

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Yes!!!  The plan is coming together.  In a campground just 5 minutes outside of the center of Quebec City, Camping Quebec en Ville.  $30 Canadian a night...$24 American.  Will probably stay here for 3 nights...
How did I end up here today?  Allow me to make a short story long...

In 1968 I was in a house in Dayton, Ohio when the police raided the was a crash pad of stereotypical description.  When they raided they found a bag of pot and took everyone down to the police station where we were all fingerprinted and put in jail for at least 24 hours.  Having been fingerprinted in 1968, I have been consequently on the FBI's list for narcotics violations.  Although I had never been charged, brought to court or convicted of any crime, this incident has followed me for the past 47 years.  Not always, but, often I have been stopped at Canadian customs and asked to explain why I have a red mark next to my name for "suspicion of possession of narcotics."  It happened earlier today as I entered Canada at West Stewartstown, NH.  I was pulled into the carport, van searched, spoke with an immigration officer on the phone to explain.  But, as you already know, I made it into the country and am safe and sound just outside of Quebec City, where I hope to spend some great time in the Old City, which I love a lot.  

Oh yeah, and free wifi, which is amazing because now that I am in Canada my Verizon wireless data rates are more than in the US.

How did I get here?  I said to Ozzy, we just need to surrender to the universe and it will provide...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The drums beat, the trumpets blare, the walls come crumbling down...
We will be back on the road again tomorrow and updating the blog at least every Sunday from this point forward...
My month in Plymouth was mostly a great stop on the journey.  I saw the PSU Student Juried Art Show, the BFA Show, the Contemporary Dance Ensemble,   Battle of the Bands, Spring Fling, Graduation, attended and listened to some pretty good music, played open mics, recited my poem Rain Upon The Roof at the Centripetal release party, sat in on the junior BFA reviews, and, best of all, connected with friends, other faculty and students.  Of course, most rewarding was my reconnecting with students.  I have formed so many wonderful relationships over the years and many students came to me this past month and said very kind things to me about my teaching and their time in class with me.  Really, just a humbling and honored experience.  Also, made new student friends.
I had time to get some business in order, including getting my new passport and cleaning, modifying and organizing the van for the next travel portion of my life.  Took the van to my mechanic for a once over who gave it a thumbs up for further driving.  Went to the doctor for a physical and all of my numbers look pretty good.  I have not taken one of my medications for a month because of finances and doctor feels my health is good and we can try not taking that medication for a while.  Also, have had a lot of comments from people who like my haircut and think I look pretty healthy.
A huge shout out to Tish Risley Hill for allowing me to park at "the point five" for the past month.  I was road weary when I got here and being able to know that I had a firm place to stay made my life a whole lot easier.  I finished reading my Bill Bryson book and one of my former students, Sarah, thoughtfully gave me a copy of Steinbeck's Travels with Charley.
Ozzy and I will be back on the road tomorrow headed initially for Quebec City.  How long we will be there I do not know and what happens after Quebec is still uncertain. Maybe east to Nova Scotia for a bit, maybe directly west on the TransCanadian Highway.  Certainly Ottawa somewhere along the line.  Maybe then to Madison, WI and Bloomington, IN or keep heading west toward the Rockies and into Banff and then Vancouver.  The world, as they say, is my oyster.  Finances are a bit tight, but, if I can busk and gig a bit I should be okay.  The rent from my condo continues to come as scheduled as does my social security check.
Today's plan is to fine tune my mosquito/black fly screening system which I have integrated into van logistics.  Other than that, just a day of rest and relaxation.  Tomorrow Ozzy and I will be in Plymouth until about 10:30/11:00AM to check mail and say some goodbyes.  Then, I will head to Tamworth for lunch with Peter and then on the road north.  I like to use both this blog and Facebook for updates to my travels, so check Facebook from time to time if you're interested.
I hear the traveling music, and awa-a-a-ay we go...