Friday, July 10, 2015

Extra, Extra read all about it...
wow, last post was almost exactly a month ago!!

I have been mostly in in the van (given a name, which I will get to) at "The Point Five" on New Hebron Road.  Tish Hill's property.  I was laying in the van one night and the name came to me...don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.  Been thinking about naming the van because it has really been the third member of the journey.  So, we now call the van, Morrison.  How much more obvious could it be?!!?  A shout out to Schultzy at J&M auto who put Morrison back on the road after spewing coolant out the rear end. (Morrison, not Schultzy.)  Fixed up in 20 minutes and charged a minimal amount of money.  Other than that, Morrison runs well.

I have been working on the top of Loon Mountain at the Artist Village where about six of us contribute work to the gift shop.  I took some pretty good photos on my journey and have been printing, matting and framing them and actually selling some!! (If you go to my timeline on Facebook, you will be able to see many of them.) Many people have made very positive comments about them and over the past two weeks I have sold about a dozen photos.  I am printing them from a computer I bought, Dell 380 Desktop with Windows7 for $160 from the university.  All in all I have made about a $350 investment which has been slowly but surely returned through sales.  I am pleased. It really is hardly like working...I mostly schmooze all day long.

I also put together a website for myself and business cards.  Please, take a look.  Did it all by myself and am proud of it.

Also, after saying that I did not want to teach again I have decided to return to the classroom in the Fall to teach one section of First Year Seminar, Is Success Synonymous with Happiness?  I think this will set up a good new pattern for on the mountain in summer, one section of a course in fall and then back on the road January through May.  Money from the university along with the mountain and social security will be the perfect amount for me to continue my journeys.

We have been parking at night in the National Forest when not at The Point Five so we are closer to work at Loon and don't have to use so much gas to commute.  So, all in all, things are looking pretty good.

Ozzy is happy and healthy, if a bit bored now that much of my time is spent at Loon.  He was going to work with me but the bosses put the kibosh on that.  Too bad.  A lot of people have asked for him as he is the real celebrity of the two of us.  I have put photos of him in the shop and people all have their dog comments to make.

I will try and return to my habit of fairly consistent blog postings...