Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This morning I am preparing for my course which I will teach over Winterim...January 2 through January 22, 5 days a week, 9:00AM to 11:30AM.  The course I will be teaching is one I designed about 5 years ago and with which I finished my teaching spring semester of 2014.  The course is entitled, Myths, Masks and Identity.  It is under the art department banner and what we do is explore the connections between mythologies, and personal and cultural identity.  We explore ancient classical, new world, contemporary and personal mythologies and identities through researching, reading, writing, dialogue and an arts integration component, making books and masks.  It has been a very popular class which my students and I have enjoyed very much.  I am looking forward to this January term with a small group of students, all seniors.

I have been reflecting on my career at Plymouth State University where I taught for almost 20 years in the art, education and interdisciplinary studies departments.  For about 8 years I taught a First Year Seminar course entitled, Is Success Synonymous with Happiness?  I engaged my students in reading, writing, dialogue, research and activities which supported their explorations of a critical thinking model for answering the question of the course title.  So, for 15 weeks we thought about how to answer that question about success and happiness by exploring what the literature, research and testimonies of others had to say in defining and connecting the terms.  A template for answering all of life's essential questions.

In one exercise I asked my students to discover what valid answers there might be to the question.  Over the course of time, they submitted four valid answers...1) yes, they are synonymous, 2) no, they are not, 3) sometimes yes, sometimes no, and 4) I don't know.  I accepted any one of those answers in a final paper so long as it was supported by research and reason.  There is a fifth alternative that only one student in eight years gave me with a convincing argument.  It was an alternative I was aware of and wondered over time if any of my students would ever come up with it.  5) What difference does it make whether or not success is synonymous with happiness?

The point of this discussion is that I always thought that was the most valid answer, FOR ME, and the more I live the new lifestyle that I began in September, the more the last answer rings true!  It is really good to know how to explore, research and critically think answers to proposed problems by defining and connecting ideas and ideals, but, when all is said and done, the real importance is being able to experience life in the moment with flexibility, resourcefulness, compassion and understanding.  Who cares whether or not that defines success or happiness?  It is the living and doing that counts. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ozzy and I have been chilling our heels in Plymouth, New Hampshire.  We have been house sitting for Mike and Robin for the past week and will be there for another week.  It has been nice to have heat, hot water, a bed and cable television.  I had Netflix for a while, but, I don't know what happened and after a few days it asked me for a password which it didn't previously.  I suppose I could give Robin a call, but, it's really not that important.  I still get Shark Tank and Pawn Stars without Netflix so all is well.  I am looking forward to teaching in another week and really looking forward to the end of January when I can get back into the van and on the road again.

Christmas was low key for Ozzy and me.  I went to breakfast at Tish's and dinner at Barb and Jan's.  Just spent the day with my feet up watching television.  Although I haven't gone crazy with eating a lot of fattening food which is off-diet, I have eaten some of what I shouldn't have and it is time to get back on the wagon.

The real story this week is money issues are taking an upturn in prospects.  I will continue to get my rental payments from my tenant and my social security payments from the government.  The rent has covered, and will continue to cover all of my condo expenses, mortgage, taxes and condo fee.  I have been basically living on my social security with occasional supplemental monies from time to time.  The really good news is that the Town of Campton did a new assessment of the whole town and as a result instead of $1800 a year in taxes this year will be $1200...that's $600 less and I think that next year will be even less in taxes as half of this year was reflective of the old assessment.  $600 is $50 less a month in mortgage payment.  It also means that I will receive a rebate check from the mortgage company because my escrow account will show an overage that can be sent back to me.  In addition, the social security amount will be increased by 1.5% making my benefit about $10 more each month.  On top of all of this I will be making pretty good money for working this January and I should receive an income tax return after filing...and I usually file very soon after January 31.

So, what all of the above means is that barring any major unforeseen expenses, Ozzy and I should be able to continue our travels for a while longer.

I hope all had a wonderful holiday and will have a happy new year.  I have a party to go to new year's eve after which I really am looking for things to settle and get back to normal, whatever that may be.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Yesterday, Friday, the 19th was a good birthday...lots of greetings from friends wishing me a happy birthday.  I got my free sandwich from Biederman's...where they told me I could get a free ice cream from Scoops on Main Street.  Well, not exactly!  I did get a free ice cream but it is not their custom to do so...I used my charm and how could they refuse?  So, a shout out to MaryAnne at Scoops who was a good sport and let me have a free ice cream anyway.  Went out in the evening to the Commons CafĂ© in Rumney where I had dinner with Jim McHugh and Tish Hill and listened to the Whiskey Geese, Dane and Tyler...two really good players.  I enjoy listening to them.  The restaurant sang happy birthday to me and I blew out a candle after making a wish.  And, I slept inside Tish's house on Evan's bed who was not there.  A good day...

Thursday was an open mic at the Common Man in Ashland (hmmm, lots of commons around here) where a bunch of people showed up to play and help me celebrate my birthday.  It was fun and I am grateful for the I am grateful for all of the birthday love forwarded my way on Facebook.

Sort of a non eventful week otherwise, except that I was offered a house sitting position which I began this morning.  It is just outside of town, in Plymouth, and the house is a whole city compared to the van.  Haven't counted all the rooms but must have at least 10 not including the cellar.  It is warm, has a bed, hot water and Netflix!!!, which I have already accessed to watch an episode of West Wing.  Up until last night I had been parking and sleeping in a number of different locations including, the parking lot at the Vintage Fret Shop, thank you David, the Common Man parking lot, thank you Alex, and the hospital parking lot, thank you Speare.  And now, for the next two weeks on Chaddarin Drive, thank you especially to Mike and Robin!!  Already took a shower and shave and the new year is looking great.

Am looking forward to teaching starting in January for the month.  Then south.

I post pictures on my Facebook account which are often relevant to my posts here on BlogSpot...I hope all are checking out that page as well.  There is a picture of Mike and Robin's house where I will be staying for the next two weeks.

I am hoping that all have a wonderful holiday season and wish the best for everyone.  The world seems crazy these days, I think because we have gotten so far away from what should be the essential thoughts and practices of peace and compassion which are taught by all of the spiritual teachers of the past and present. Regardless of your faith, please remember to breathe and remember that this time of year should remind us of our need to practice love, peace and compassion.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I am in Plymouth, NH.  I took three days to get here from Lancaster, PA.  I left on Monday morning and arrived here Wednesday evening.  Spent Monday night at a rest stop outside of Allentown, PA, spent Tuesday night in a rest stop outside of Lee, Massachusetts and finally arrived Wednesday and spent the night in an undisclosed location, which, I think will be a good place to park and sleep on a sporadic schedule.  The trip from PA to NH was grueling.  Higher elevations I drove through sleet/freezing rain/snow down into valleys of rain/sleet and back up again.  One of those trips where I kept thinking I'll just find a place to stop, but, never felt like I would find the right place so just kept going.  I was going to go into Burlington, VT before coming here but the weather report sounded more ominous.  I think Wednesday night was the worst with sleet beating against the van in the high winds.  The van is, after all is said and done, proving itself to be a real trooper.

Arrived and the first thing I did was take a shower and shave at Tish Hill's place.  Boy did I need it.  Soon I will be cutting all of my hair off and shaving my scalp.  It's gonna be so much easier to just use a "wet-nap" kind of thing on my head as I do that to the rest of my body and having the luxury of shampooing is one of the hardest things for me to find on the road.  I have shaved my head before and I am sure I will feel okay about it.

Talk about real troopers!  Ozzy is amazing!  He is really enjoying the lifestyle and I have had several people tell me what a happy dog I have.  He has come a long way.  Before we left Lancaster, Judy Watson found a web site which talked about Rat Terriers and it said that they can tolerate extremes in temperature.  I had been trying to put blankets on him in the cold nights but he would shrug them off within a minute or two.  He does seem very comfortable with the weather as it has been, night times mostly in the twenties.  I have been comfortable too with my sleeping bag which is rated to 0 degrees.  Ozzy and I have been able to spend some time in my office on campus where we also have some warmth stops.  And, the library has some really nice cushy chairs which lend themselves to some pretty good power naps!

Since I have been back in Plymouth I have been able to see lots of students and colleagues I had hoped to see.  That's one of the reasons I wanted to be here this week as it is finals week next week and many will be leaving for the holidays.  I have been to openings, holiday potlucks, musical events, critiques and been able to just walk around and visit.  Been hanging at the coffee shop, the library and going to listen to some music tonight.

I still am not sure where I will be living over January when I teach at PSU.  Some offers from friends but am waiting to make a decision hoping a better alternative comes along.  I would like to be in Plymouth close to the school.  There was a pretty good choice that presented itself but it would not include me being able to have Ozzy with me, and I will not separate from him.

Tonight I think we will park in the undisclosed location I first mentioned in this post. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

OKay, a Sunday post...after a very frustrating morning on the computer.  Dropping of internet connections in the middle of writing an e-mail, I ended up writing half a dozen times until it finally all came together...anyway...

I have been hunkered down in Lancaster, PA for the past four or five days.  Once again Judy Watson has been kind to me and Ozzy to crash on her sofa.  Ozzy is being spoiled by this whole experience, but we will be hitting the road Monday morning, beginning our trek back to NH to teach over January term.  I have three students registered and that makes it worth my while to return and teach.  I know two of the students and am looking forward to it.  So, I should be in NH in a week or so...I would like to be there for finals week so I can see some students before I head out again after January.

A good friend of many of us with connections in Lancaster, PA passed away December 1.  We had a funeral for him on Friday which was the way funerals should be.  Just a lot of food, drink, good company and music.  Joel Haimes was a particularly gracious and warm hearted man who lived a good life, instilling kindness and joy in friends, community and family.  He will certainly be missed, but, as long as we celebrate life, he will be remembered.

The weather is not looking particularly good and really has not been good for a while.  I anticipate some difficult traveling conditions in the upcoming week, but, all systems seem to be operating at excellent levels and I'm sure I will be warm, dry, safe and sound.  Not sure where I will be staying in NH, but, as it has been, I will put my trust in the universe and look forward to all that I need coming together.

And, finally, I want to thank all of you who are reading my blog posts.  I have been posting for about three months, I think 31 posts in all, and have had over 2100 page views!!  That's about 700 a month.  Pretty good and I hope you continue to enjoy. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Wow, am I ever gone from Washington, DC!!!  In fact, DC has probably persuaded me to never again go into a cosmopolitan area...I have been avoiding the big cities but thought it would be nice to go into DC for a couple of days.  Went to the Zoo yesterday and had a good time there (not gonna complain about the $22.00 parking charge), no entrance fee into the Zoo.  Frankly, I do think it has seen better days, lots of exhibits closed, but I love the big cats and birds and of course the giant pandas.  As nice as some of the areas are for them, I still feel badly for the animals, especially the great apes and elephants who are so smart and emotionally advanced.  Even the snakes seemed unhappy.

Anyway, the driving in the city was more than I ever want to do again.  I don't know how people subject themselves to that kind of stress day after must be pretty good.  And driving out of the city on Interstate 66 was harrowing.  (And, today, bumper to bumper back into the city.)  Anyway, gonna stay on the back roads and find the smaller quieter places to visit and hang. 

On a couple of good notes, I found a new free app for finding overnight rest areas and it paid for itself last night as Ozzy and I had a good nights sleep at the Virginia Welcome Center at mile marker 48 on I-66 which I found through the new app.  (Well if you ever plan to motor west, travel my way that's the highway that's the best, Get your kicks on Route 66.)  And, I checked my roster for my winterim course at PSU in January and there are enough students signed up to make it worth my while to return to NH to teach...good money for short time!

Ozzy and I have now made it for three months on the road without having to work.  With teaching in January and no unforeseen emergency expenditures of cash, I think we can make it at least another three months.  Bills are paid, a little money in the bank, van is running well (I did lose a hubcap this AM which I would like to replace), new eye glasses, including prescription sunglasses, on order, the kindness of friends, free wifi, a new USA Rest Stop app and mapquest are making this journey a mostly positive experience.

Onto smaller and quieter...