Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This morning I am preparing for my course which I will teach over Winterim...January 2 through January 22, 5 days a week, 9:00AM to 11:30AM.  The course I will be teaching is one I designed about 5 years ago and with which I finished my teaching spring semester of 2014.  The course is entitled, Myths, Masks and Identity.  It is under the art department banner and what we do is explore the connections between mythologies, and personal and cultural identity.  We explore ancient classical, new world, contemporary and personal mythologies and identities through researching, reading, writing, dialogue and an arts integration component, making books and masks.  It has been a very popular class which my students and I have enjoyed very much.  I am looking forward to this January term with a small group of students, all seniors.

I have been reflecting on my career at Plymouth State University where I taught for almost 20 years in the art, education and interdisciplinary studies departments.  For about 8 years I taught a First Year Seminar course entitled, Is Success Synonymous with Happiness?  I engaged my students in reading, writing, dialogue, research and activities which supported their explorations of a critical thinking model for answering the question of the course title.  So, for 15 weeks we thought about how to answer that question about success and happiness by exploring what the literature, research and testimonies of others had to say in defining and connecting the terms.  A template for answering all of life's essential questions.

In one exercise I asked my students to discover what valid answers there might be to the question.  Over the course of time, they submitted four valid answers...1) yes, they are synonymous, 2) no, they are not, 3) sometimes yes, sometimes no, and 4) I don't know.  I accepted any one of those answers in a final paper so long as it was supported by research and reason.  There is a fifth alternative that only one student in eight years gave me with a convincing argument.  It was an alternative I was aware of and wondered over time if any of my students would ever come up with it.  5) What difference does it make whether or not success is synonymous with happiness?

The point of this discussion is that I always thought that was the most valid answer, FOR ME, and the more I live the new lifestyle that I began in September, the more the last answer rings true!  It is really good to know how to explore, research and critically think answers to proposed problems by defining and connecting ideas and ideals, but, when all is said and done, the real importance is being able to experience life in the moment with flexibility, resourcefulness, compassion and understanding.  Who cares whether or not that defines success or happiness?  It is the living and doing that counts. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ozzy and I have been chilling our heels in Plymouth, New Hampshire.  We have been house sitting for Mike and Robin for the past week and will be there for another week.  It has been nice to have heat, hot water, a bed and cable television.  I had Netflix for a while, but, I don't know what happened and after a few days it asked me for a password which it didn't previously.  I suppose I could give Robin a call, but, it's really not that important.  I still get Shark Tank and Pawn Stars without Netflix so all is well.  I am looking forward to teaching in another week and really looking forward to the end of January when I can get back into the van and on the road again.

Christmas was low key for Ozzy and me.  I went to breakfast at Tish's and dinner at Barb and Jan's.  Just spent the day with my feet up watching television.  Although I haven't gone crazy with eating a lot of fattening food which is off-diet, I have eaten some of what I shouldn't have and it is time to get back on the wagon.

The real story this week is money issues are taking an upturn in prospects.  I will continue to get my rental payments from my tenant and my social security payments from the government.  The rent has covered, and will continue to cover all of my condo expenses, mortgage, taxes and condo fee.  I have been basically living on my social security with occasional supplemental monies from time to time.  The really good news is that the Town of Campton did a new assessment of the whole town and as a result instead of $1800 a year in taxes this year will be $1200...that's $600 less and I think that next year will be even less in taxes as half of this year was reflective of the old assessment.  $600 is $50 less a month in mortgage payment.  It also means that I will receive a rebate check from the mortgage company because my escrow account will show an overage that can be sent back to me.  In addition, the social security amount will be increased by 1.5% making my benefit about $10 more each month.  On top of all of this I will be making pretty good money for working this January and I should receive an income tax return after filing...and I usually file very soon after January 31.

So, what all of the above means is that barring any major unforeseen expenses, Ozzy and I should be able to continue our travels for a while longer.

I hope all had a wonderful holiday and will have a happy new year.  I have a party to go to new year's eve after which I really am looking for things to settle and get back to normal, whatever that may be.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Yesterday, Friday, the 19th was a good birthday...lots of greetings from friends wishing me a happy birthday.  I got my free sandwich from Biederman's...where they told me I could get a free ice cream from Scoops on Main Street.  Well, not exactly!  I did get a free ice cream but it is not their custom to do so...I used my charm and how could they refuse?  So, a shout out to MaryAnne at Scoops who was a good sport and let me have a free ice cream anyway.  Went out in the evening to the Commons CafĂ© in Rumney where I had dinner with Jim McHugh and Tish Hill and listened to the Whiskey Geese, Dane and Tyler...two really good players.  I enjoy listening to them.  The restaurant sang happy birthday to me and I blew out a candle after making a wish.  And, I slept inside Tish's house on Evan's bed who was not there.  A good day...

Thursday was an open mic at the Common Man in Ashland (hmmm, lots of commons around here) where a bunch of people showed up to play and help me celebrate my birthday.  It was fun and I am grateful for the I am grateful for all of the birthday love forwarded my way on Facebook.

Sort of a non eventful week otherwise, except that I was offered a house sitting position which I began this morning.  It is just outside of town, in Plymouth, and the house is a whole city compared to the van.  Haven't counted all the rooms but must have at least 10 not including the cellar.  It is warm, has a bed, hot water and Netflix!!!, which I have already accessed to watch an episode of West Wing.  Up until last night I had been parking and sleeping in a number of different locations including, the parking lot at the Vintage Fret Shop, thank you David, the Common Man parking lot, thank you Alex, and the hospital parking lot, thank you Speare.  And now, for the next two weeks on Chaddarin Drive, thank you especially to Mike and Robin!!  Already took a shower and shave and the new year is looking great.

Am looking forward to teaching starting in January for the month.  Then south.

I post pictures on my Facebook account which are often relevant to my posts here on BlogSpot...I hope all are checking out that page as well.  There is a picture of Mike and Robin's house where I will be staying for the next two weeks.

I am hoping that all have a wonderful holiday season and wish the best for everyone.  The world seems crazy these days, I think because we have gotten so far away from what should be the essential thoughts and practices of peace and compassion which are taught by all of the spiritual teachers of the past and present. Regardless of your faith, please remember to breathe and remember that this time of year should remind us of our need to practice love, peace and compassion.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I am in Plymouth, NH.  I took three days to get here from Lancaster, PA.  I left on Monday morning and arrived here Wednesday evening.  Spent Monday night at a rest stop outside of Allentown, PA, spent Tuesday night in a rest stop outside of Lee, Massachusetts and finally arrived Wednesday and spent the night in an undisclosed location, which, I think will be a good place to park and sleep on a sporadic schedule.  The trip from PA to NH was grueling.  Higher elevations I drove through sleet/freezing rain/snow down into valleys of rain/sleet and back up again.  One of those trips where I kept thinking I'll just find a place to stop, but, never felt like I would find the right place so just kept going.  I was going to go into Burlington, VT before coming here but the weather report sounded more ominous.  I think Wednesday night was the worst with sleet beating against the van in the high winds.  The van is, after all is said and done, proving itself to be a real trooper.

Arrived and the first thing I did was take a shower and shave at Tish Hill's place.  Boy did I need it.  Soon I will be cutting all of my hair off and shaving my scalp.  It's gonna be so much easier to just use a "wet-nap" kind of thing on my head as I do that to the rest of my body and having the luxury of shampooing is one of the hardest things for me to find on the road.  I have shaved my head before and I am sure I will feel okay about it.

Talk about real troopers!  Ozzy is amazing!  He is really enjoying the lifestyle and I have had several people tell me what a happy dog I have.  He has come a long way.  Before we left Lancaster, Judy Watson found a web site which talked about Rat Terriers and it said that they can tolerate extremes in temperature.  I had been trying to put blankets on him in the cold nights but he would shrug them off within a minute or two.  He does seem very comfortable with the weather as it has been, night times mostly in the twenties.  I have been comfortable too with my sleeping bag which is rated to 0 degrees.  Ozzy and I have been able to spend some time in my office on campus where we also have some warmth stops.  And, the library has some really nice cushy chairs which lend themselves to some pretty good power naps!

Since I have been back in Plymouth I have been able to see lots of students and colleagues I had hoped to see.  That's one of the reasons I wanted to be here this week as it is finals week next week and many will be leaving for the holidays.  I have been to openings, holiday potlucks, musical events, critiques and been able to just walk around and visit.  Been hanging at the coffee shop, the library and going to listen to some music tonight.

I still am not sure where I will be living over January when I teach at PSU.  Some offers from friends but am waiting to make a decision hoping a better alternative comes along.  I would like to be in Plymouth close to the school.  There was a pretty good choice that presented itself but it would not include me being able to have Ozzy with me, and I will not separate from him.

Tonight I think we will park in the undisclosed location I first mentioned in this post. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

OKay, a Sunday post...after a very frustrating morning on the computer.  Dropping of internet connections in the middle of writing an e-mail, I ended up writing half a dozen times until it finally all came together...anyway...

I have been hunkered down in Lancaster, PA for the past four or five days.  Once again Judy Watson has been kind to me and Ozzy to crash on her sofa.  Ozzy is being spoiled by this whole experience, but we will be hitting the road Monday morning, beginning our trek back to NH to teach over January term.  I have three students registered and that makes it worth my while to return and teach.  I know two of the students and am looking forward to it.  So, I should be in NH in a week or so...I would like to be there for finals week so I can see some students before I head out again after January.

A good friend of many of us with connections in Lancaster, PA passed away December 1.  We had a funeral for him on Friday which was the way funerals should be.  Just a lot of food, drink, good company and music.  Joel Haimes was a particularly gracious and warm hearted man who lived a good life, instilling kindness and joy in friends, community and family.  He will certainly be missed, but, as long as we celebrate life, he will be remembered.

The weather is not looking particularly good and really has not been good for a while.  I anticipate some difficult traveling conditions in the upcoming week, but, all systems seem to be operating at excellent levels and I'm sure I will be warm, dry, safe and sound.  Not sure where I will be staying in NH, but, as it has been, I will put my trust in the universe and look forward to all that I need coming together.

And, finally, I want to thank all of you who are reading my blog posts.  I have been posting for about three months, I think 31 posts in all, and have had over 2100 page views!!  That's about 700 a month.  Pretty good and I hope you continue to enjoy. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Wow, am I ever gone from Washington, DC!!!  In fact, DC has probably persuaded me to never again go into a cosmopolitan area...I have been avoiding the big cities but thought it would be nice to go into DC for a couple of days.  Went to the Zoo yesterday and had a good time there (not gonna complain about the $22.00 parking charge), no entrance fee into the Zoo.  Frankly, I do think it has seen better days, lots of exhibits closed, but I love the big cats and birds and of course the giant pandas.  As nice as some of the areas are for them, I still feel badly for the animals, especially the great apes and elephants who are so smart and emotionally advanced.  Even the snakes seemed unhappy.

Anyway, the driving in the city was more than I ever want to do again.  I don't know how people subject themselves to that kind of stress day after must be pretty good.  And driving out of the city on Interstate 66 was harrowing.  (And, today, bumper to bumper back into the city.)  Anyway, gonna stay on the back roads and find the smaller quieter places to visit and hang. 

On a couple of good notes, I found a new free app for finding overnight rest areas and it paid for itself last night as Ozzy and I had a good nights sleep at the Virginia Welcome Center at mile marker 48 on I-66 which I found through the new app.  (Well if you ever plan to motor west, travel my way that's the highway that's the best, Get your kicks on Route 66.)  And, I checked my roster for my winterim course at PSU in January and there are enough students signed up to make it worth my while to return to NH to teach...good money for short time!

Ozzy and I have now made it for three months on the road without having to work.  With teaching in January and no unforeseen emergency expenditures of cash, I think we can make it at least another three months.  Bills are paid, a little money in the bank, van is running well (I did lose a hubcap this AM which I would like to replace), new eye glasses, including prescription sunglasses, on order, the kindness of friends, free wifi, a new USA Rest Stop app and mapquest are making this journey a mostly positive experience.

Onto smaller and quieter...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

For the past number of years I have donated money to the Plymouth State Thanksgiving Basket program to help those less fortunate.  This year I didn't have the money to do it.  But I went to the Water Street Rescue Mission in Lancaster and volunteered my time to help feed the homeless and less fortunate in the area.  I was given several responsibilities and feel really good about having done that.  It was nourishing to my soul to have served...

Today I had my Thanksgiving meal at the Neptune Diner in Lancaster.  Some may remember it as a 24 hour place near F&M called Lum's.  As I sat by myself, and please, I like spending holidays like this by myself, I thought about how I never really like going around the table and each person saying what they are thankful for. I am thankful for much...friends, family, food, shelter, Ozzy...but, also, I thought that I am thankful for my intelligence, imagination, resourcefulness and resiliency. I don't know if this is another display of my own self-centeredness, but that's the way I feel.  And, I think that everyone should reflect and be thankful for who they are for the qualities they possess.  Hope all have a roof over their head, a warm place and food to eat. Peace...

It's Saturday and Ozzy and I will be back on the road tomorrow.  Have had a warm and dry stay under Judy Watson's roof and on her couch.  Not sure where we're headed from here but it is time to hit the road will moderate for a few days which will be nice.  May head to the Jersey shore and maybe back to Delaware where I enjoyed my stay last week.  I ordered a new pair of glasses from JCPenney in Lancaster and it will be another week before they are ready.  So, I will still be hovering in the PA DE area for at least another week.  I will be teaching in January in Plymouth and am looking forward to going back for a while.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Sunday update is being written in Starbucks, Newark, Delaware. Spent the night in the van at a Flying J (appropriately named) truck stop in North East, Maryland (descriptive of where in Maryland it is and the name of the town.)  It was a warm night in the van, 35 degrees and Ozzy and I slept well.

I didn't really like my MD experience all that much.  Went to Havre de Grace which looked like a nice town on the Chesapeake, but, Ozzy and I went looking for an area to camp and in the process (excuse my language) it cost us $8.00 to cross a bridge...$8.00 to cross a fucking bridge??!!?!  It would have cost us $43 for a state park campsite...$43 for a fucking campsite??!!?!  or, over $100 for a motel room, even with my telling the people I was a member of AARP and the discount they would have given me...over $100 for a fucking bed for the night??!!?!  Stopped at the truck stop where the young woman behind the counter basically said, park anywhere!!!  So a good night after all.  Also, had a pretty good seafood, scallop dinner in North East.

It was a really nice drive from Gettysburg yesterday to Maryland.  Crossed the Mason/Dixon Line and paid $2.79 a gallon for gas.

Gettysburg was a good experience...took the auto tour of the battlefields.  Really is a very moving experience.  I'm not usually a souvenir buyer but I bought myself a multiple blade knife which has my name and Gettysburg carved into it which I thught would make a nice addition to my survival kit.  In my left front jeans pocket I always carry a nail clipper, a lighter and a I have added my Gettysburg knife to the mix...should be ready for all occasions.

Newark, Delaware looks nice and I will explore for a bit.  This is as south as I will go this tour before I go back to NH in January for the month.  DC when I head south after January.  Should be in at least the 50's today for temperature.  Things are heating up.

Friday, November 21, 2014

I've been having a really great time in Pennsylvania, meeting up with old friends, seeing the sights and playing and listening to music.  I've been able to get out of the cold staying on Judy Watson's couch for a number of cold nights...of course, she was more concerned about Ozzy being in the cold than me...Last night I stayed in Merry Mark's guestrrom with Ozzy and today am in Gettysburg.  I think I'll stay here for at least a couple of days.  Slept in the van in Dewie Marietta's driveway which was really comfortable...if it's not too cold, I like sleeping in the van, it's home...met up with Jill Yescalis in a nice little coffee place, Skinny Park Juice and visited with Joel Haimes at his house.  It's been great seeing everyone.

I played an open mic at 551West in Lancaster which was fun.  As my students would say, I was killin' it!

Drove from Christiana, PA to Gettysburg on secondary roads which was a great drive.  Just took the auto tour of the battlefield and quick walk through of museum.  Might go down into Maryland and Delaware tomorrow or next day...What did Delaware?  Idaho, Alaska.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wanna do my Sunday update...

Spent the night on a couch in Lancaster, PA thanks to Judy Watson.

Went to a club in Lancaster called Tellus360 where I saw a really good band from Boston called Session Americana.  They were lots of fun and I talked to some of them after the gig.  Some knew Bill Morrissey and one of them writes songs with Mark Erelli who has done a tribute to Bill.  Just lots of fun and the kind of music I have been hoping to see on my travels.  Energy and improvisation...just playing to jam and have a good time...guitar, bass, small drum set, mandolin, fiddle, harmonica, keys...just lots of old time feel.

Today I will probably take Ozzy back to a great dog park in Lancaster where it is covered with astroturf, green for grass and blue for water.  A bridge to walk on, water to drink, just a great place for Ozzy.

Gonna give Dewie a call in a bit, see what she's up to.  Probably do laundry to today while I think about what to do for the next few weeks.  Gonna be cold and wet, but then it will moderate again and don't know whether I want to go more south and then come north or if I want to just weather it here.

Ozzy and I are healthy and Ozzy is liking Judy Watson and feeling comfortable.

Friday, November 14, 2014

I am in a motel room outside of Scranton, PA.  Spent last night at a truck stop outside of Saratoga Springs, NY.  Lovely ride through the Catskills into the Poconos today.  First snow of the season in most places and just beautiful frosting all over.  The whole northeast Appalachian chain is really terrific.  From Whites, to Greens, to Berkshires, to Catskills, to Poconos. Drove into Honesdale, PA where I found a natural foods cafe and deli and had a good healthy lunch.

Decided to visit the camp I went to when I was a child.  People wonder why I am as independent and resourceful as I am and I think that much of it stems from me going to Snow Hill Camp in Lake Como, PA.  It was an 8 week sleep away camp that I first went to when I was 5 years old!  Went there for many years.  The only thing I couldn't learn to do was swim!  I was a real nature boy catching snakes, fish, preying mantises, salamanders, frogs, etc.  Hiked, camped, rode horses, did it all, but could not learn to swim and to this day I don't.

As I post this, Ozzy is asleep on a real bed. I paid an extra $10 for him.  I just took a hot shower and am going to just enjoy being off the road and out of the van for the rest of the day.   

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A midweek post...sometimes I have a plan and sometimes a plan has me!

Went to KIA in Concord to have a tune-up done on the van.  In order to access the plugs, you need to take the manifold off!!!  So, labor will be...and, you need a new throttle sensor, couple tires don't look so good really should have new, don't even guess amount of money it cost me...too much!!

So left Concord feeling really poor, not in a good mood at all!  Drove to Keene where I spent the night.  Tried to find a place in a Keene State College lot, but, the officer on duty was not very friendly and said no way could stay in any lot.  So, I found a space on second floor of parking garage and slept pretty well.  Got up and thought that Ozzy and I would go to Brattleboro for breakfast.  Five miles outside of Keene my check engine light came on...not happy at all!  Decided to go back to Concord, go to an auto parts place and have the code read...would then decide whether I needed to do damage at Concord KIA or not.  Code was for oxygen sensor, nothing to do with yesterday's work.

Had breakfast in Concord and drove back to Keene.  When I was in Keene the day before I noticed RetroMusic on Main Street which didn't open until 11.  Well now I return to Keene around 11 and would check out RetroMusic.  Those of you following the blog know that I have a guitar that I've been trying to sell that no one wants to buy.

Pulled into Keene around 10:30 and got a call from someone in Lancaster, PA, Mary Cae Williams who I knew 45 years ago.  She is now director of a Montessori School in Lancaster and we had a great discussion, some of which was about the possibility of me doing some work in the school when I get down there.  Nothing firm but a very positive conversation with possibilities.  Now feeling a bit better.  Still money, or lack of it, is a constant weight on my mind.

Went into RetroMusic around 11:15.  Brought my guitar in and to make a long story short Jeff bought the guitar from me for $1500!!  Ecstatic!!  Cashed the order to deposit the money I needed to return to the north country to deposit in my bank.  Drove to Plymouth, which is where I left just yesterday morning to go to Concord.  Plymouth to Concord to Keene to Concord to Keene to Plymouth.

Up, down, up, down, up, down, up...$1500 goes a long way for me!!  Sometimes I have got a plan and sometimes a plans got me.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

So when we last made contact we were on our way to Newport, RI.  Left Providence thinking I would have liked to have spent more time there...lots of colleges and universities to explore...but after being in Newport for a few days Providence lost most of its luster.  I did play an open mic in Providence at a place called the Spot...was a big hit and enjoyed myself.  Spent the night in the parking lot of  a 24 hour McDonalds.

Wasn't sure what I would find in Newport as I thought it would be a very rich and pricey town.  But, it turned into a really good three days and not what I thought it would be at all.  I surprised my friend Amie Archambault at her workplace, Pour Judgement, and she helped guide me through Newport.  It was really great to spend some time with her and to have a friend who could help with a hot shower and places to go and crash for the night.  Played an open mic, not as much fun as the one in Providence. The first night I spent on the street outside of her apartment, but she told me about a place called King's Beach off of Ocean Drive...what a great spot!!  (I am still having trouble posting photos on the blog.  Check my facebook posts for some.)  I crashed there for two nights.  Just me and Ozzy and the crashing waves.  I was the King...just call me Elvis.  Drove Ocean Drive and saw the mansions which gave rise to my preconceptions of Newport...amazing.)

Oh yeah, and Ozzy has had a number of great dog park adventures, in Providence and Newport.

[Just an aside...I have been down with the flu for about a week but spent almost a whole day in bed at King's Beach sleeping, watching videos and eating ibuprofen...feeling a lot better as I write this.]

I got on the road yesterday without any destination in mind.  Ended up in Storrs, Ct home of UConn.  I was really tired and thought I would try a new strategy.  I went to the UConn police station and told them I was a retired college professor traveling and sleeping in my van and wondered if there was some space they would allow me to park for the night.  Gave me a map, where I could park, places to eat and enjoy Storrs.  When I got to the place I watched and listened to the UConn marching band practicing Glory Glory Hallelieuah. Amen brother!  Very nice!  That's really using my degrees!! I will try this strategy again.

And talking about degrees, I think it was the coldest night yet on the road.  But, slept okay, Ozzy is still a happy boy and on to whatever is next...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A rare midweek post...
In Providence, RI...went through Amherst and Northhampton, MA a couple of days ago, headed for Newport RI today.  Having breakfast at a Whole Foods.  Ozzy got to run off-leash in a dog park.  Will fill in details on Sunday.  Played an open mic in Providence last night.
I would stay in Providence for a couple of days but finding a parking space is impossible and when you do you need more quarters than exist in circulation.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hello All,  it is Saturday 11/1/14.  I am in Brattleboro, VT.  The weather has turned, it is wet and cold.  I had planned to end the day in Salem, MA today but showed terrible weather there so I decided to just go where the wind blew and blew me here Brattleboro...I've been here on several occasions always liked it here.  Just had a really good burrito at Milagros on Main St.

Yesterday I presented my workshop at the NH Council on the Arts conference in Greenfield, NH, somewhere between East and West Nowhereland.  Workshop went really well...22 participants including a number of dignitaries and my college mentor, Trish Lindbergh who loved it.  I'm proud of my standing and reputation as an educator.  Saw some former students, some friends and met some new adjunct at PSU Chris Claxton a musician and Taylor O'Donnell a vocalist who blew
Me away...really the best singing I have heard in a long time.

I was going to stay at the conference through this afternoon but because of weather and other considerations it was just time to hit the road.

I went to the Currier Museum in Manchester, NH and saw the Escher exhibit which was beyond and description.  Unbelievable!!  You, yes you, MUST go see it.  What an honor to have been able to be so close.  You go to see shows like it and you understand the term "master"!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I left The Point Five in Plymouth yesterday and will be gone for a couple of months.  I had a good three week stay in Plymouth but kept feeling the need to get back on the road.  Spent time with people I love, met and made new friends, saw students old and new, played music in the street...

Last night I spent in the van in a WalMart parking lot in Keene, know, when you're sleeping, eyes are closed, it really doesn't make much difference where you are.  Ozzy and I both slept well, even though I have been kinda under the weather the past couple of days...a chest throat kind of cold that hit me.  But, it is the first time I have really felt sick in almost two years!!  I think my immune system has been working really well because of my change in diet a year and a half ago.  For those who don't know, about a year and a half ago I decided to lose weight...I thought to myself that I can't do anything about looking like an old man but I can do something about looking like a fat old man!  I have lost 30+ pounds and feel great about it.  (It's hard to walk down the street and be accosted by so many women because of my renewed status as eye candy, but, we all have crosses to bear).  So, what I did was I cut food out of my diet that puts weight on!!  No sugar, "white" carbs, processed food...I eat mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  What a difference...

Tonight I think I will park in a state park which is about 5 miles away from the conference center where I will be presenting tomorrow!  Still need to find one more supply for the hands on section and then I'm ready to go.

So cheers to all who gave me support and shelter during the past three weeks...Tish, Jim, Peter, Mark (who offered me a place to park but I didn't), my students and friends, and Ciara, Aiden and Donna O'Brien who gave me a Bill Bryson Book to read and a gas card for Irving stations.  Ciara and Aiden, don't get kicked out of school today!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Okay, an eventful week coming up...I will be leaving my little patch of the Point Five on Wednesday, starting a two month jaunt before I return to New Hampshire in January.  The weather continues to cooperate and it looks like I will make it out of here before the real cold begins.
First stop will be Greenfield, NH where I will be leading a workshop at the New Hampshire Council on the Arts conference.  I will be presenting my discussion on imagination and the creative process.  I have never really done it in front of artists and administrators before and am hoping that it will be appreciated.  That will happen on Friday, the 31st and then I will attend a workshop on Saturday, 11/1.  I am not quite sure how Ozzy will fare through this as I will be spending a lot of time away from him, leaving him in the van.  I also have accommodations for Friday night and that means that he will be sleeping by himself in the van.  Actually, I think it will be stressful for the two of us as I will miss his company through the night.
After the conference on Saturday I will be heading in a southerly direction and have decided to stake myself to $100 worth of gambling at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun.  Parlay my meager assets into a, I won't make any plans other than these, in case I want to plan big after trying my luck.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hello's been about a week since I last posted.  I have remained in Plymouth for another week and will be here for 9 or 10 days more.  Been working a bit, just a little bit, modeling for the art department just sitting having my face drawn for $15/hour...that's the kind of work I like!  Have been saving money on gas and still thanking the gods of weather who have continued to provide perfect weather for living in the van.  Tonight will be cold but it all seems to be moderate at least for the next 10 days.  I will then be gone and headed kind of south...Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and out of New England for a couple of months.  So far money is holding out okay, van is running great and Ozzy is acclimatizing himself to living the vagabond life.  He is such a good dog!

Last weekend I went to the Sandwich Fair in Center Sandwich, NH...upon reflection I think that in the last 43 years I hadn't missed more than 3 or 4 fairs.  It got me to thinking about my whole relationship with New Hampshire... during the winter of 1970, Dec or Jan 1971, Judy Watson and I traveled to New Hampshire to explore the possibility of moving there from Lancaster, PA.  We had some friends, Connie and John Freed and Jimmy Hunton who were living on Smithville Road in Center Sandwich making a go at the sand candle, stained glass lampshade business, Homestead Farm Industries.  While there we were brought to the Country Store in Moultonborough where the owner connected us with a place in North Sandwich on Maple Ridge Road.  A beautiful little "camp" which had about a 150 yard driveway down to the building which had an incredible view of the Ossipee Mountains...all for $75/month!!  Yes, that's right, no 0 missing after the 5!!  We contracted with Peter and Katie Pohl to rent it beginning in May of 1971.  During our weekend in New Hampshire a blizzard developed, there was a lot of snow that winter, the roads were banked when we got there and a blinding storm as we left.  But, what did we know about danger of driving through a blizzard...we got into my 1971 Datsun 510 station wagon and drove from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania through the storm, spinning out, facing the wrong directions, plowing through drifts feet higher than the car, but we made it.  And in May of 1971 we moved into the camp on Maple Ridge Road.  My first job in New Hampshire I worked at Amatex Corporation, an asbestos mill; now, Mill Falls Marketplace, a retail center in Meredith, New Hampshire.

What a long strange trip it's been...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Still in New Hampshire today living on Tish's property on New Hebron Road...we're joking that because her house is 110 New Hebron Road that I am 110.5...I'm just referring to it as The Point Five."

Still great colors out there and a really terrific storm last night///heavy wind and rain!  The van is now certified watertight.  Miraculously, it all stopped just as I was getting out of bed and ready to take Ozzy for his morning walk.  A lot of miracles this autumn...I could not have picked a better one to stay in New England.  Temperature and weather conditions have been perfect.

But,  I am ready to get on the road...although I look forward to the Sandwich Fair this weekend and my workshop at the NH Council on the Arts at the end of the month, I am ready to go!  There have been lots of events which I have been enjoying at the university, the latest of which was the opening last night of the new show at Drerup Art Gallery, some music tonight, music last Friday at Biederman's, but, I am ready to hit the road with Ozzy. 

Today I will be going to a friend's daughter's volleyball game at Plymouth Elementary and then to a Jammin' at Karl's music show at Drerup.  Cynthia Robinson, Jessica Downs Harris and the whole student crew have really done a great job the last couple of years in making the gallery a welcoming place for the students.  If you haven't been there in a while check it out.

Okay, so I have been posting for a month or so...I hope that those of you who have been following are enjoying.  I'm not quite sure what I should/could be posting about.  I encourage you to ask me questions which I will help me find some direction.  I have a zillion thoughts and reflections but never quite sure which ones to explore.  Ask me and I will be honest about whatever it is...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Okay, I've been kinda quiet the last couple of days...been just hangin' out at 110.5 New Hebron Road...taking naps during the day...walking Ozzy and biding my time waiting for Sandwich Fair on Columbus Day weekend...It's Tish's birthday and a bunch of people will go to Biederman's to listen to music this evening.

Today, I took a trip to Lebanon, NH to the Bear Hollow Vintage Guitar Shop to have them look at my old guitar which, as I have said before, nobody wants to buy.  Neil at the shop in Lebanon didn't want to buy my guitar either.  Same story...because of the structural flaws no one will buy...if I put thousands of dollars in to repair then I would have a more saleable guitar.  So, I have decided that I must start thinking about the guitar in a different way.  I now must think about it as MY guitar and stop thinking about it as a valuable financial asset.  A great playing and sounding guitar which I am lucky enough to have recognized many years ago when I never did think about it as an investment, but, rather as a beautiful guitar.
Also went to the Hood Museum in Hanover where they have an exhibit on art of the 60's and the civil rights movement.  Great pieces but was mesmerized by a film of Nina Simone singing Mississippi Goddamn...powerful!!

Weather continues to be beautiful, colors continue to shine...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The most beautiful Fall, evah!!  Oh my, I am so glad I decided to stay in the northeast for the Fall...I really cannot remember one with such great temperatures and COLORS...I worked on top of Loon Mtn today...I have worked there for a few years as we have an "artist village" up there where I mostly just hang out and schmooze.  I can use a little bit of money... The day started out in the clouds and when the sun came out the mountains shone in red, yellows, oranges...amazing shades on almost every tree.  Really, just amazing!!

Parking on Tish's property has been really great.  Last night I went to the library and got a copy of Across the Universe, a story told using Beatles songs for context and content.  A brilliant movie.  I saw it when it first came out and still think it is a great time.  So, I just laid down on the bed in the van, Ozzy in his bed, put the DVD into my little 7" DVD player, which I charged all day on the power inverter and watched the movie.  Yes, laughed, cried!  The Beatles defined rock and roll music in an age of incredible social revolution/evolution.  You gotta watch it.  For me, who came of age at that time it is a remarkable reminiscence on the 60's and for those who are too young to remember, that's okay because just listening to the songs by Lennon, McCartney and Harrison (While my Guitar Gently Weeps) is a beautiful experience.  A perfect collaboration at the perfect time!

All you need is is all you need.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hello All...I have been confusing a number of people... there are lots of folks who look at me in surprise when they see me in Plymouth thinking that I have gone away for good...not yet...let me fill all in on what looks like plans for the future...

I will be in Plymouth area through Columbus Day weekend...Tish has hospitably allowed me to take over a 10x12 swathe of property cut out of one of her meadows where I will park the van and camp for the next couple of weeks...

At the very end of October I will be leading a workshop at the New Hampshire Council of the Arts conference in the southern part of the state...

I have no idea what the plan is for November and December...maybe Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania...

January I will be teaching for the whole month back at Plymouth State for Winterim...will be teaching my class, Myths, Masks and Identity...

Then, after January, I will be gone for an extended period of time with no real end destination...winter in North Carolina, South Carolina, New Orleans, maybe Key West...spring in Colorado and summer in Quebec City with the possibility of staying there for a long time...of course, all of these plans are subject to change...

So, that's the was always my intention to stay in New England for the fall...there is no more beautiful place to spend the fall and what a spectacular fall it has been!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Back in the Plymouth area today...will probably be here for a couple of weeks...some variety of business kind of things that I need to take care of.

Had a great week in Maine and was going to go to Fryeburg Fair today, but, oops, doesn't start until Sunday!

Spent a nice couple of days in Bangor with Kathi Smith.  I presented my Imagination and the Creative Process talk in a couple of her classes at Hussson University.  She is pretty much starting a new fine arts program there and has much time in the classroom and administratively to do on a daily basis.  I couldn't do it...after just two presentations I was exhausted...don't know how I made it through the last twenty years!!

Systems are good, van took me on a pretty good loop of territory from Plymouth, to Portland, to Camden, to Bar Harbor, to Bangor and back again.  Ozzy wasn't all that pleased with our 6.5 hour trip today but, we will have the next couple of weeks to just luxuriate.  Gonna be in Plymouth area through Columbus Day/ Sandwich Fair...then end of October I lead a workshop in southern, NH.  Not sure what November or December hold in store, yet.  Thinking about Rhode Island...I have been to Providence and liked it there and wouldn't mind going back again for at least a couple of days.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

About 5:30PM two women in a silver KIA Seoul with Jersey plates pulled into the campsite next to mine in the Blackwoods Campground, Acadia National Park.  I was just hanging out with Ozzy, laying down in the back of the van when they began to take firewood out of their vehicle and started stacking it in the fire pit at their campsite.  It was obvious after a very short period of time that they had absolutely no idea what they were doing.  So I stepped out of the van said hello and proceeded to look like I was working on the van in the hopes they would ask for help...I was not going to offer, as I had the feeling it would be taken as male patronization of helpless females, which, of course, it wouldn't have been, just wanted to help.  Anyway, they spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to start a fire, gave up, drove out and NEVER returned.  Their campsite was empty all night.  I am sure they spent the evening at a bed and breakfast, sipping glasses of wine which is what they really wanted to do in the first place.  What I find amusing is that they had the perfect opportunity to fulfill every woman's fantasy: finding a campsite in the woods next to the most hunky, eye candied man imaginable and having him metaphorically light their fire...they're probably kicking themselves this morning.

I am not sure that I would want to go to Acadia Park at the height of the season...yesterday, off-season, was a madhouse!!  Crazy number of people making navigation of the park difficult...not a lot of solitude or quiet, which is what I would look for at the park.

Ozzy is beginning to settle in to the routine of living in the van.  When we first started out he was really rigid in either standing or sitting behind the driver's seat looking out the front window as we drove along.  The last couple of days he has begun geting up on the bed and either sitting or lying down and looking out the side window.  He has gotten up on the bed with me a couple of times, but, last night was the first time he slept with me.  He slept at my feet and was a bedhog, but, I am comforted by his company and change of attitude.

I made the mistake of listening to the news last night and it appears that the Nobel Peace Prize winner has ordered more killing!!  It's an upside down world out there...

At Husson University library using their wifi...looking forward to seeing Kathi Smith later today...getting a hot shower and then presenting tomorrow on Imagination and the Creative Process...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Stayed at Blackwoods campground in Acadia Park last night.  There is a beautiful walk to cliffs overlooking the ocean.  Ozzy and I sat there for a while and I took a video which I will post to my facebook page.  In fact, I think I will use both to chronicle the journey.  Look to FB for photos and videos.

Left Ozzy in the van while I go exploring today.  LL Bean and Acadia have teamed up to provide FREE shuttle service around the village and park.  Will be letting them do the driving and using the resources today while I just sit back and sightsee.  Tourist time...

Maine is incredibly dog friendly.  Everywhere you go someone is offering a treat, there are dog parks everywhere and lots of people out walking.  Ozzy, of course, is being his usual timid self, but, every now and then there is something about a particular dog that he likes and he will be friendly.  He's making friends, and, like every other place I go people make contact with me only as a second greeting as Ozzy is the star.

Am having trouble loading a media player to my laptop, but, will find someone knowledgeable to help...

Will stay in Acadia tonight and then on to Bangor where I will meet up with Kathi Smith who is now teaching at Husson University.  I will present in a couple of her classes and I am looking forward to it.

Probably no more internet or phone for the rest of the day...

Thanks for the comments...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Just a quick touch base...

Stayed in Camden Hill Maine State Park last night.  Camden is a beautiful little harbor village where I enjoyed a walk around town and sit down in a park by the harbor.

Today have made it to Acadia National Park where I will stay for at least a couple of nights.  I have a senior's pass  which gets me free entry into the park and 50% off camping, $10 per night.

Van is driving well and I splurged today on a power inverter so I can charge my laptop and cell phone as we drive.  WiFi has been spotty and weak and I am looking for a place today that sells DVD's that I can watch at Bar Harbor.  I like walking around the towns I stop in and Maine is really beautiful, but, the gentrification and retail mania is disturbing.  Looking forward to the park.

Ozzy and I are sitting at a coffee shop on a beautiful day...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

In LL Beans Freeport, ME sitting out a storm.  Great jacket for Ozzy, but, $50?  I'll see if there's one in the outlet building.
Just gonna meander up the coast today ...Camden maybe Bar Harbor.. No real plan today.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yesterday I visited Buckdancer"s Choice music store in Portland, ME.  I bought a guitar there about 35 years ago.  It was in a different location then, when Portland was still a rough and tumble waterfront city. The music store was on the edge of the "adult" section of the city on Longfellow Square. It is now in a strip mall, but, still a great place to see some fine instruments, great inventory.  I stopped there because I have a guitar I have been trying to sell, that nobody wants to buy.  I still own the first guitar I ever bought.  It is an unusal 1932 Gibson L-2, a flattop guitar with a trapeze tailpiece and adjustable bridge, neck meeting body at the 13th fret.  Spruce top with stunning Brazilian rosewood back and sides.  Unfortunately, it has some structural problems, despite which, it is a stunning guitar to play with an amazing tone.  Phinneas at Buckdancer's Choice didn't want to buy it either.  Gonna have to just keep looking for the right person who understands and appreciates the beauty of the instrument despite its' flaws.  You know, someone who can love it.

Thanks to my friends Erin and John, I slept in a real bed last night and will again tonight.  Watched Ratatuoille with the 3 1/2 year old twins and Harry Potter, the first movie, with Sawyer, their 8 year old. Ozzy is very confused, but likes the real bed and has spent most of his time on it.  They are all kind enough to allow Ozzy to spend the day there while I go out and explore Portland a bit more today.  It has been nice not to have to think about hm alone in the van.  And, he seems to have made a great connection with Sawyer.  I went to Munjoy Hill and the Eastern Promenade and got to do something I like more than anything else.  To just sit, and especially on a promenade overlooking the water.  Quebec City and New Orleans come to mind sitting watching the Portland Harbor.

I really like Portland...chill/laid back.. Most everyone smiles and says, "Good morning."

I will stay again through tonight and then hit the road Sunday AM.  Thinking about a short day into Camden, ME and then Acadia National Park/Bar Harbor on Monday, working my way to Bangor for Thursday when I will visit a friend and present in a couple of her classes.

Really, I thought about the idea of just sitting today.  Just to sit and meditate on the flow of the outside without the need to do, do, do!!  A Mystic's expression: "The wise man sees inaction in action and action in inaction."  Feeling good today.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Terri Dautcher I have a great idea for a marketing/entrepeneur student(s) of yours!  Sleeping bags for dogs called "The Doggie Bag."  Company could be Life is Ruff and each bag comes with a cookie inside to entice entry for your dog.  I have not been worried about myself, but, am beginning to wonder how Ozzy will fare in the colder weather.  If any of your students are interested I would only ask a modest percentage for the idea!

Today is looking good.  Woke up to a message from a friend that I can stay at her house tonight.  What a difference it makes knowing that the end of the day will be in a secure place and knowing where that place will be.  I married her and her husband, I am guessing, 15-20 years ago when I was a Justice of the Peace.  Let that license expire, but, over the years married probably 30-35 couples.  Always enjoyed it. I remember Erin's wedding, the friend who is offering me a place for the night.  It was really a beautiful affair in Hollis, NH.

This morning went to Old Orchard Beach and watched the sunrise with Ozzy.  Then back into Portland Old Port to just sit in the sun of a beautiful morning with a cup of coffee and the passing parade.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

In Scarborough, ME.  Spent a couple of hours in Old Port Portland.  Will spend a bit of time in Old Orchard Beach tomorrow and more time in Portland.  Feeling like I need to do more prep in figuring out where I will spend my nights.  Checked out Walmart parking lot and decided to go to a campground where I just got out of an unlimited hot shower!!  So, spent some money, but, a good choice.  After posting this, I am going to check out possibilities for tomorrow night.
Ozzy got to run free in a dog park today in Portland...needless to say he had a good day...
Today, I am finally, hitting the road for a while...two to three weeks, anyway.  New van, new laptop computer and new attitude!
First, let me sing the the praises of a used car dealership.  What?!!  That's right.  Winnisquam Auto in Tilton, NH.  They have provided me with customer service like I have hardly ever experienced before.  Sold me a van at a reasonable price, an extremely good interest rate and continue to provide me with free work to make sure that all is mechanically and financially stable.  John, salesperson, John, owner, Steve, Mechanic and Michelle, office manager.  Because of their hard work and dedication I am feeling really confident that the road will be safe and with a minimum of automotive hassle.  Thanks to them for helping to change my attitude.
Next, my facebook friend, Jen Swift, saw a post of mine about my need for a laptop.  She and her husband Craig have been friends since the 90's when we went to PSC together.  Craig is a computer guy who offered me a free computer.  It arrived yesterday and today I am writing my blog using it.  It is an IBM Thinkpad with WindowsXP.  I hear the groans, but, I am thrilled because it offers me everything I need...internet, word processing and DVD play capability.  Who cares about speed when you have all the time in the world?  And, another attitude changer.
Finally, while I have hovered in the Plymouth area for the past week I have had many kind offers for places to stay and have been able to spend some quality time with people I love.
I am now headed into Maine for a couple/three weeks.  Portland today or tomorrow.  I googled "Dog Parks in Portland, Me" and got a list of ten parks.  When we get there it will be an Ozzy day.  He has been so patient over the last week with mostly short walks and he deserves a good couple of days off-leash running untethered as he was born to be.  Also googled open mics in Portland and will try to play some music while there.  After a couple of days in Portland we will meander along the coast and get to Acadia National Park.  Then up to Bangor to see a friend, Kathi Smith who now teaches at Husson University.  She has asked me to present in a couple of her classes on Imagination and the Creative Process next week.
So, don't want to plan too much and don't know what happens after Bangor, but, have van, laptop and attitude will travel.

Monday, September 15, 2014

I am trying to figure out why my photos don't show.  As soon as I do, I will fix and everyone, especially me, will be happy!! 
Shall I describe them so far...I have posted three photos which means I would need to provide three thousand words...maybe tomorrow...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I went to the Corner House in in Center Sandwich, NH last night to see a couple of friends play music.  My oldest stepson, Eric Greene, 45 years old, is the head chef there.  When he was 13, I sent him down there to get a job.  He came home saying that his friend, Ben Lear, had the dishwashing job.  I told Eric to go back down and tell them that if Ben couldn't show up to call him.  He did and about a week later Don Brown, the manager of the Corner House called.  I answered the phone and Don asked for Eric, said he needed him to work.  I told Don Eric was asleep but he would be there shortly.  He has worked there ever since...

At the end of the night last night I went to Smithville Road and slept in my van in the parking area of Homestead Farm Industries.  This is the first place I ever stayed in New Hampshire when I was looking to move here.  While I looked I stayed with John, Glen and Connie in the farmhouse which is pictured here...they, we, made stained glass and sand candles, and stained glass lampshades...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ozzy and I have hit the road...we have been living the nomad/vagabond life for about two weeks.  We spent them in our 2006 Kia Spectra5 which I converted into a conversion car.  Took the passenger seat out, the rear seats out and built beds in there for the two of us.  To make a long story short concerning the car, it became obvious that it was going to be too small for us!!  I have rented out my condo for a year, at least, and will be traveling without a definite plan or destination.  When I realized that the car was too small, I traded for a 2004 Kia Sedona MiniVan and that is now Ozzy's and my home.
The first two weeks in the car were certainly an experience of being thrown in the water and learning how to swim.  We slept in lean-tos, tents and the car.  We were beside lakes,

(Storm coming in over Lake Champlain)

 in meadows

(Ozzy on Morning Watch)

and Walmart parking lots.  But, we have learned a lot about ourselves, have gone to some beautiful places and met with some inspiring people.  Last Sunday I was at Bread and Puppet in Glover, VT and was honored to have spent time with Peter Schumann who is the creative force behind the experience.  If you have never gone to Bread and Puppet, google it, go there...
We talked about creativity and symbol and mask and practice, improvisation, passion...he shared his rye bread and pumpernickel, both from a 150 year old starter, with me, spreading the butter , showing an openness and compassion which came to me at the exact time that I needed it.

Two days ago we started living in the van and in the coming year I will post my thoughts about the experiences we have.  I am in Plymouth, NH currently and will be hovering in the Northeast for the fall.  I will teach over the winter term and then head south after January.  I hope it will be interesting for you, and, I know that if the first couple of weeks are any indication of what is to come, it will certainly be interesting for Ozzy and me. 
Until next time...

Monday, September 8, 2014

And so the adventure begins....

After a trial run, and the acquisition of some new wheels, Jay & Ozzy are ready to begin their excellent adventure.

Stay tuned!